To register please fill out the form below and mail the
non-refundable $100 deposit (per child)
to the Ballantyne Jewish Center
8632 Bryant Farms Rd. Charlotte NC 28277.
You may also pay online HERE.
This will begin the registration process.

PLEASE NOTE: You are registering for the ENTIRE 2024-25 School year, regardless of changes
that may happen. Prorated options and refunds will NOT be offered. Thanks for your support.  

Child Information
Child 1 Child 2
Name: (first, last)
Name: (first, last)
Hebrew Name

Hebrew Name


School grade (as of Aug 2024) School grade (as of Aug 2024)
Name of school attending Name of school attending
Child 3  

Name (first, last)

Hebrew Name

School Grade (As of Aug 2024)
School Attending
How would you describe your child to others?
Child 1:  
Child 2: 
Child 3: 
Do your child/children have any previous Jewish Education? Please describe:

What would you like your child/children to gain by joining Chabad Hebrew School?:

Parents Information
Father's Information Mother's Information
(skip fields if same as Father)
Born Jewish Not Jewish
Converted to Judaism
Born Jewish Not Jewish
Converted to Judaism

Please note, our synagogue is traditional, and we can only officiate life cycle events, such as Bar and Bat Mitzvah, for children of a Jewish mother or those converted under Orthodox Halachic auspices. Please reach out with any questions. [email protected] 

Hebrew Name
Hebrew Name


State Zip State Zip
Home Phone
Home Phone
Work Phone
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Email Address
Are there any conversions or adoptions in the family? Please explain:  
Parents Marital Status:
Married Separated Divorced
If separated or divorced, please respond to the following questions:
With whom does the child reside?
Person with legal custody?
To whom should school correspondence be sent?
Medical/Health Information
Is there any special medical or any other information regarding your child/children that our school should be aware of?
Is your child/children allergic to any foods? If yes please explain in detail
Emergency Contact Information (if a parent cannot be reached)
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
Doctor's Name Phone:
As the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of child/ren noted above, I/we authorize any adult acting on behalf of Chabad Hebrew School to hospitalize or secure treatment for my child. I further agree to pay for all charges for that care and/or treatment. It is understood that, if time and circumstances reasonably permit, the School will try to communicate with me prior to such treatment.

I/we hereby give permission for my child/ren to attend all field trips and outings sponsored by Chabad Hebrew School, and allow my child to photographed while participating in school activities. I/we understand that these photographs may be used for publicity purposes. I/we hereby give permission for my child/ren to be transported by Chabad Hebrew School on field trips.

Parent Name Date
Ballantyne Jewish Center Annual Partnership Program

The Ballantyne Jewish Center is committed to providing wonderful and enriching programs to every Jew in Ballantyne and surrounding areas, and our continued growth is made possible by the support we receive from friends like you.

Unlike traditional synagogues, Ballantyne Jewish Center does not ask for annual membership dues or require any building fund payments. Each Chabad Center is self-supporting and is funded individually from the charitable giving of individuals.

To help support the myriad holiday and educational programs, social events, and religious services of BJC, we have created the Annual Partnership Program and are inviting you to become our partner.

If you are already a partner in this program, Thank You! We appreciate your support.

If you would like Rabbi Levin to contact you regarding this program
please check the box below.
Please contact me to discuss the Annual Partnership Program

Hebrew School Tuition Agreement
The following is a tuition agreement for the Chabad Hebrew School. The agreement explains the tuition fees, payment plans and refund policies. Please read it through carefully and sign your name.
I would like to register my child/ren for IN PERSON Hebrew School on Sundays 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
EARLY BIRD - Register by May 30th for $50 off! 
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $100 per child.
NON PARTNERS:  Tuition for a single child is an additional $745.
PARTNERS:   Tuition for a single child is an additional $545.
We are enrolling at Chabad Hebrew School.
Total Deposit Due: $
Total tuition obligations (not including deposits): $

Payment Options:
Plan A: Payment in Full
Plan B: Payment Plan

Please note, payment plan does not include $100 deposit per child. This deposit must be received in order to accept your child to Hebrew School. In addition, all tuition obligations must be paid in full by March 28, 2025.

A staff member will contact you to confirm payment plan details.
Deposits and tuition are non-refundable.
If you feel that you are unable to meet the tuition obligations, please email [email protected] to apply for a scholarship.
I/We have read and agree to the registration policies listed here.

I/We agree to the terms and conditions of the tuition agreement as noted above.

Email address for submission receipt: